Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should Double Jeopardy be allowed in criminal cases?

I mean shouldn't we be able to try someone if they write a book about how they committed the crime they are supposedly innocent for?Should Double Jeopardy be allowed in criminal cases?
If it can be proved that any of the witnesses commited perjury besides the defendent then I think we should be able to retry someone even if they are found not guilty the first time around. Fortunately prosecutors often dont fully charge people with all the crimes they commited. I.e if they kill seven people they charge them with 4-5 murder's. If its one then they dont charge them with discharging a firearm and improper disposal of a corpse. So they can go back and retry them on lesser charges if nothing else later. They could probaly retry O.j on a couple of stupid charges now and get him ten to twnety now if they wanted too.Should Double Jeopardy be allowed in criminal cases?
No, not at all. What would then stop a hell-bent prosecutor with a vendetta from putting an innocent person on trial until he/she gets the right sympathetic jury?

Addendum: A prosecutor has the responsibility to bring a suspect to trial only when he/she has the right amount of evidence to convince a jury that a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If they aren't able to do that, then they either shouldn't bring the suspect to trial, or they take a gamble. When Marcia Clark brought OJ to trial for murder, she took a gamble.
Lol..I find it funny that you go on and on about O.J. and have that molester for an Avatar. Last response from me, the longer I read your questions the more I feel my I.Q. dropping.
No. I think Double Jeopardy is a good idea. It the person is really guilty but found not guilty, well remember the old saying,

';be sure you're sins will find you out'; However the Lord knows who is truly repentant.

I Cr 13;8a
Why, did Michael Jackson write a book about the children he molested?
What Michael Jokerson said.
In O.J.s case YES
yes I think so
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